Akino's WoW Adventures

Akino: Gnome, Rogue in the World of Warcraft. Spawned in the Land of Coldridge... Grew up with Wolves and Trolls..

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What Akino looks like =)

Click me!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Playing with fire& falling down ditches

ooh forgot to say.. but everytime i pass by those fire things on the sides of the auction house.. i get burnt! like 10 to 15 health taken off each time! =(
lucky I don't die easy hehe..
I also tend to fall down or jump down cliffs and that takes my health away too~
Once I was so scared I'd fall down in the lava.. or drown in the pond~
and then there was once where i saw some guy on a dragon(?) jump down from the bridge in ironforge to some metal surface that had holes so you can see the lava beneath.. and then i accidently followed him.. phew i didnt die..

The auction house..and the firework

It is quite a busy place.. soo many different races there..
I would just walk around and ppl were saying stuff really loud or laughing at stuff..
I learned how to put some auctions up.. and i sold my Silverleaf within a few minutes!
Then I went to check my mail~ yey~ silver pieces :P
Next I was curious so I went walking and looking for professions.. the skinning and Herbalism ones hehe..and then I saw these pvp/npc gnomes around this central area.. and inside a small cave on one side there was a gnome that sold fireworks.. i wondered what they were.. I asked Sam who was beside me.. he told me to just try them..
they cost One silver! i only had like maybe 20 at that time.. hehe
so I bought one.. and i wanted to try it out..
I went to the middle of the bridge near the auction house and i clicked on it..
a small little fire spark went up in the air.. but no firework came down like fireworks do! aww such a waste of money..

The first time I died

Akino in first person:
I remember clearly, the first time I died.. I was attacking way too many Trolls at once.. they were ganging up on me.. and then the "Low Health" sign started to flash so I decided to run.. hoping I could outrun them.. but no.. i died..
When I was lying there, a msg popped up saying "release spirit in 6 mins" with a button to click release now.. so I asked for help..
someone told me to stay there hehe.. and they added me to a group/party..
but i clicked release and ended up in the grave.. I didn't know where to find my body.. so the guy helped me.. i think he was about lv 27..
He killed all the trolls!! in like a few blows~
so it was goood~ i got to get the treasure for a quest i was doing..
I dunno what a lv 27 was doing there in low lvl land hehe..

Friday, October 21, 2005

Akino begins

Akino is a cute little rogue with brownish hair in pigtails.. she is only about a third the size of a human, and loves to jump around in the snow..
She started off in the snowy lands of Coldridge and attempted her first missions..
She first had to slay some wolves, then she had to slay some bears for their meat and ribs.. then she had to go sneak around some trolls to get their treasures..
She got confused with places and jumped around clicking at every npc/pvp..
One day she met Gj, who was also a Gnome but a guy who didnt speak english very well..
They exchanged hi's and byes and sat around the fireplace while Akino sorted out her stats..
She did not see him again for a while.. but a few days later he PM'd her.. She wondered.. how did he know she was online at that time? [Later she found out that it was because he added her to his friends' list..]
She asked him, but he didnt seem to understand.. so that was left there..
She was off on her missions again.. dying once or twice and being revived by the angel by the grave.. with the cost of losing 25% armour durability and some stats..
she slowly gains her levels.. and with the help of a friend, she starts to go further into the lands of Dun Morough..she passes Anvilmar, and then goes thru the tunnel to Kharnos.. and finally to Iron Forge where she learns her first two professions.. Skinning and Herbalism.. She also learns that Flowers & Leather = silver coins when you put them up for auction at the auction house at Iron Forge..
She also learns that you can check your email! :P
All is overwhelming for the little gnome.. so she takes a little rest...
Stay tuned for the continued adventures..soon..

The start of a new era...

I just decided to start a new blog for WoW [World of Warcraft] :P ..
just cos I want to record my online life hehe..
not that I play wow that much.. but it is a good thing.. so i can keep track of what i have done :P
the RO diary is cuter tho hehe.. too bad there isnt a proper community of wow blogs... well i cant find one..